Friday, July 1, 2011

CPS Professor Featured as Presenter for Webinar hosted by the Suicide and Resource

Center Associate professor Scott Poland was a recently featured presenter on a webinar hosted by the Suicide and Resource Center entitled, Responding After a Suicide: Best Practices for Schools. The webinar was viewed by approximately 800 people and highlighted practical strategies for schools to implement in the aftermath of a suicide. The webinar also publicized the Postvention Toolkit for Schools recently released by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and the Suicide Prevention Resource Center. Scott was a reviewer and consultant on the Toolkit.

CPS Professor Authored Paper

An article authored by assistant professor Kevin Glavin entitled Interpreting Self-Directed Search Profiles: Validity of the “Rule of Eight” has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Vocational Behavior.

CPS Professor and Students Present in Athens, Greece

Associate professor Stephen Campbell and doctoral candidates Jackie Hammelman and Lyndsay Henry, presented at the 5th Annual International Conference on Psychology of Athens Institute for Education and Research in Athens, Greece May 31, 2011. Their presentation was entitled, “Personality and Smoking Behavior of Non-Smokers, Previous Smokers, and Habitual Smokers”.

CPS Professor Co-Present Papers

Assistant professor Kevin Glavin co-presented three papers at the National Career Development Association Conference in San Francisco, California.

CPS Professor Co-Chairs Conference

Assistant professor Tara Jungersen is serving as Publicity & Promotions co-chair for the 2011 Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Biannual Conference to be held in Nashville, TN.

CPS Professor Co-Present Paper

Assistant professors Tara Jungersen and Shannon Ray co-presented a paper, Fostering Interdisciplinary Collaboration to Enhance Research Efficacy, at the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision bi-annual conference which took place recently in Williamsburg, Virginia.

CPS Professor Participates in Convention

Assistant professor Kevin Glavin participated in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) convention at Cape Canaveral. STEM is a government funded project currently being developed and implemented with the assistance of NASA. The project is designed to educate middle and high school students about STEM careers.